This application is used by the Training Division as a tool for reporting and evaluating to the Director or Supervisor. The parameters reported include activity photos, number of participants, trainers, time, and others. In addition, all training materials can be scheduled for one year in advance. And there are evaluation graphs each month to monitor its development.

In addition, this training application has many interesting features such as photo galleries and interactive and easy-to-understand graphics. The framework used in this application is specifically for smartphones such as Android or iPhone, but the drawback is that if it is opened using a desktop browser, the display will be forced to adjust to the width of the laptop, making it less responsive. As ordered initially, this application is used by the on-site training division, where they mostly hold smartphones so that training reporting can be Real-time.

In the future, this application can be further developed by combining Cordova technology so that the application resources are not on the server side but on the smartphone side. Smartphones only request the data or information needed from the server database. The advantage of this technology is that we can use website programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are then converted to Android or iPhone. This saves a lot of time and costs because the work only needs to be done once in the beginning.

This training application does not currently use a Javascript Framework, so every time the page is switched, it still has to download everything again. In the future, it will use the VueJS Framework, so only relevant data will be downloaded, thus increasing the performance of the application.